RagWing RW19 Stork Replica of Fieseler Storch, Wings fold. Tandem model first flew August 1997. Plans include Side view drawing Wing folded SPECIFICATIONS FLIGHT PERFORMANCE Wingspan 32 ft VNE 105 mph Wingarea 180 sq.ft. Cruise speed 75 mph Length 22 ft Stall speed 20 mph Height 7 ft Climb rate 1200 fpm Seats 2 tandom Range 250 s.m. Empty weight 497 lb Take off run 50 ft Gross weight 1200 lb Landing roll 50 ft Engine used 2si Service Ceiling 15.000 HP/HP Range 70/70-80 Fuel Capacity 20 gal. Landing Gear tailwheel Building materials wood, fabric, tube Building time 600 man hour Plans cost $25 More photos- http://s1263.photobucket.com/albums/ii631/rogermannorg/ragwing%20stork%20aircraft/ Video which shows performance numbers- takeoff and landing within 50′. Also noteworthy is that this aircraft did not have brakes installed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ZZh9sKCI4